Information and FAQ

What is THe Forum Experience?

This year the sessions and programs being offered at FORUM have been designed around the principles of looking back at the basics of how a lodge can operate and giving arrowmen the opportunity to learn more about all aspects of lodge leadership. Arrowmen will be encouraged to follow sessions which suit their needs or position within their lodge.

How much does it cost to attend FORUM?

The registration fee for FORUM 2024 is $35.00. A late fee of $5.00 will be added for any registrations within a week of the event.  

What documents must I bring?

Each Arrowman attending FORUM must present a valid part A&B BSA AHMR, and a signed Section E13 Code of Conduct.

What will housing be like?

Housing will be based on special access needs first, and then based on registration order. All cabins have heating/ cooling, electricity, running water, bathroom and shower facilities. 

Where is Camp Lazarus?

Camp Lazarus is located at 4422 Columbus Pike, Delaware, OH 43015. Refer to the About Camp Lazarus page on how to get here.

What time should I arrive at Camp Lazarus?

Only Section staff will be permitted on camp property prior to 6pm on Friday. PLEASE do not arrive earlier than 6pm if you have not received clearance from the FORUM Management Team. Check-in will begin at 6pm.

What should I pack?

We are requiring you to bring:

Everything else is up to you, but here are some recommendations:

Important: no alcohol, drugs, weapons, firearms, or fireworks are permitted.

Can I register and pay for more than just myself?

Yes! You may add additional people onto your registration.